How to Obtain a Plant City Florida Police Report

Traffic accidents are unexpected and can cause serious injury and traumatic stress. If you or your loved one has sustained harm and vehicle damages, a Plant City, Florida law enforcement officer will be called to the scene. They will make a record of all the pertinent information for those involved, as well as an indication of who was to blame, and the location and point of impact for damages.

A fully completed Police Report will be submitted to the Plant City Police Department within 3-5 days of the accident, but the officer will provide you with a business card and case number. As a public service, the law firm of Darrigo & Diaz is providing you with this resource to assist in obtaining your Police Report; an important document for your evidence file. We also offer a free case evaluation and overview of your report by simply contacting our local Tampa office at
813-774-3341 .

Florida Law and Public Records Guidelines

Police Reports are confidential documents within the first 60 days of the accident. As such, they are only available within this confidential timeframe to exempt parties; defined as involved parties, their representatives, attorneys and insurance carriers, as well as qualified media members.

Florida traffic crash records law Section 316.066 mandates that all accident Police Reports less than 60 days old MUST be accompanied by a Sworn Statement, a copy of your current photo identification and proof of exemption that allows you access. After 60 days, Police Reports are deemed public records and may be obtained without identification, sworn statement or proof of exempt status.

WARNING Any person, knowing that he or she is not entitled to obtain information made confidential by the above law, who obtains or attempts to obtain such information, is guilty of a felony of the third degree.

Requesting a Copy of Your Plant City FL Police Report

We have contacted the Records Unit of the Plant City Police Department in order to share with you the precise directions for securing your Police Report. Their points and specifications are further described within the Online, In Person and By Mail sections below.

The cost for your Police Report is defined by Florida statutes and will amount to $2.00 per copy or less; $.15 per page for 1-sided pages and $.20 per page for 2-sided pages. Reports can be certified for $1.00. Non-governmental 3rd-party online delivery platforms set their own pricing.


Police Department Records Unit


Plant City Police Department Records Unit does not currently supply reports online for 3rd-party delivery sites. You must obtain your report in person or by mail.  

Note: Under Florida law, email addresses are public record which law enforcement agencies, as custodians, are required to release if discovered in response to another’s public records request.

By Phone

Plant City Police Department

Records Unit

Phone: 813-757-9200, ext. 2226

Fax: 813-757-9121

Requests by fax are only suggested when extensive research must be compiled by the Unit, and requires payment in person or by mail prior to release.

In Person

Once 3-5 business days have passed since your accident, you may go to the Plant City Police Department Records Unit in person to obtain your copy of the Police Report. The Police Report will be available within a short time during your visit.

A fee of $2 per copy, or certified copy, must be presented at the time of your request; payable in cash, check or money order.

Plant City Police Department

Information Services/Records Unit

1 Police Place, Police Center Drive

Plant City, FL 33563

Hours:  7:00 am – 5:00 pm

Days:   Monday – Friday  

Closed Holidays

By Mail

A letter of request for your Police Accident Report may be made in writing if you are an involved party and not able to come into the department.

However, within the first 60 days of the date of the accident, you must include: a copy of your driver’s license to verify your identity and involvement in the accident, your case number, your notarized Sworn Statement, a check in the amount of $2.00 (payable to Plant City Police Department) and a self-addressed, stamped envelope to the following address:  

Plant City Police Department

Attn: Police Records Unit

1 Police Place

P.O. Box 4709

Plant City, FL 33566

After 60 days, the report is public record and no identification or sworn statement is required in a mailed request (only the $2.00 check and SASE are required).

DD&J Personal Injury Attorneys are here for YOU!

In the United States, traffic collisions are the primary cause of personal injury. We are dedicated to providing our clients with the strong legal advantage necessary to win the toughest of cases. Darrigo & Diaz is available at (813) 774-3341 to schedule a free case evaluation. Let’s discuss your accident and review your Police Report.


As the law firm Florida has trusted for over 25 years to fight on their behalf, we are more than ready to represent you. Put our experience and reputation to work. We are trial-tested attorneys Florida turns to time and time again. If you need help with any legal matter, whether it’s an auto accident or serious personal injury, workers’ compensation, criminal defense, or medical malpractice, contact us. The consultation is absolutely free.

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