Tampa Negligent Security Lawyer

When you live, work, or play in a place that has sufficient security, it can provide peace of mind knowing you’re protected. Many apartment buildings, hospitals, commercial properties, shopping malls, and educational facilities utilize security services to keep their residents and patrons safe. But, what happens if the security company is negligent and a serious event occurs?

Security Camera


What does Negligent Security mean?

Companies and their workers are liable to damages and injury from acts of negligence. In such conditions, it may be necessary to hire the services of a negligent security attorney to resolve the issue and ensure proper compensation. A negligent security case implies that a party with the responsibility of providing security has failed to implement the necessary safety measures for others. 

Such parties can include hospitals, schools, businesses, landlords, and property managers. Since the organization must safeguard their visitors when they are on the property, they can be sued by the victim for not fulfilling their responsibility due to negligence. And the court can impose that the victim receives compensation from responsible parties.

What are Common Examples of Negligent Security?

The most common examples of negligent security are when a person gets injured because the security measures in place failed to prevent the injury. This can happen in events such as:

  • The security company did not respond to the incident in a reasonable amount of time.
  • Cameras, gates, locks, or other security equipment were not properly maintained or not working.
  • Security guards were not paying enough attention to their surroundings and missed signs of trouble.
  • The security company did not adequately train its employees on proper procedures.
  • Security services do not alert authorities or medical services in a reasonable time frame.

There are many more instances where a security guard or their employer may be held liable for negligence. In order to determine negligent circumstances, you will need to speak with an experienced negligent security attorney. 

Who Would I Sue in a Negligent Security Case?

Depending on the specifics of the event, anyone between the guard in charge and the owner of the establishment can be held accountable in a negligent security case. The victims will likely need compensation for their medical and therapy expenses, which could possibly extend into long-term care. In the case of an attack within the premises, the perpetrator would be sued if they can be identified. 

However, if the manager or owner of the property supplemented the incident by failing to implement security measures, then you can sue them for some compensation. In some cases, several parties will share the liability. For instance, both the property manager and landlord will bear some responsibility for an incident on their property due to negligence.

Can I Sue an Independent Security Contractor?

Although it’s not a straightforward process, you can sue an independent security company for negligence. The contractor only has an obligation to the company they offer their services and not to the safety of people in the building. This grey area can often lead to a contractual conflict over the negligence security case. 

However, there are cases when the fault belongs to security personnel, such as when they fail to monitor sensitive places that incidents can happen. Similar instances can be when the guards are excessively aggressive, as that can incite violence, or when they sleep on duty. 

It may be held against the security company for hiring incompetent guards, and the compensation for an attack be their sole responsibility. It’s ill-advised to make the distinction in any particular condition with layman knowledge. That’s why you will need to hire legal representation to file a negligent security case.

How Can I Seek a Negligent Security Settlement?

After deciding the parties responsible for settling the victim of negligent security, the court will impose that the defendant pays a decided amount to the plaintiff. Several losses will be added together to get the final number that will be paid. These losses include wages lost from the time of incident till the issued date, medical bills, pain and suffering, as well as estimated future income lost till recovery. 

In the case of wrongful death, the court will ask that the defendant supply compensation that matches their lost financial support. The expenses can also include funeral expenses and existing medical bills before death. Of course, there will be losses inflicted on those dependent on the deceased that are difficult to quantify, such as loss of parental guidance or companionship.

Should I Hire an Attorney in a Negligent Security Case?

Proving negligence is a difficult task in most cases. It requires gathering a lot of evidence, testimonies, and research to determine the facts of the case. Therefore, you must have a lawyer to help you prove a property owner or security company was negligent in their duty to protect you. A lawyer will help by doing the following:

  • Investigating and collecting evidence to support your case
  • Researching state laws and comparing them to the property’s security measures
  • Determining the value of your claim / how much money you can seek
  • Negotiating with parties to seek compensation
  • Taking your case to court to pursue maximum compensation, if necessary

To make sure that you get the necessary compensation for an incident due to negligent security, you will need to hire a personal injury attorney. Having legal representation can be the major deciding factor for attaining an impressive settlement with the opposing counsel and on time.

Are Property Owners Liable for Security Failures?

Negligent security occurs when a property owner fails to provide adequate security measures, which leads to injuries caused by criminal assault, battery, etc. Property owners are obligated to protect tenants and visitors from crime by providing the necessary protection. This includes security personnel, gates, fencing, security cameras, lighting, and more.

Who Is Obligated to Provide Security?

There are many places that have an obligation to provide competent security services to help keep patrons and residents safe and include:

  • College Campuses and Universities
  • Shopping Malls
  • Day Care Facilities
  • Schools
  • Apartment Complexes
  • Amusement Parks
  • Public Buildings and Property
  • Commercial Properties

Contact a Negligent Security Lawyer in Tampa

If you are the victim of an assault on public or commercial property, you have rights. United States criminal laws are designed to punish the perpetrators of these crimes but may not provide the financial compensation you deserve. That’s why our Tampa personal injury lawyers are here – to help you fight for your rights after suffering an injury or other damages. We place a high value on providing our clients the most convenient ways to find help. Call us at (813) 774-3341 for a complimentary, no-obligation consultation right over the phone or contact us to schedule a Zoom meeting.


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