Category : Insurance Tips

  • 18 Jun 2024

    How to lower auto insurance rates in Florida

    Posted By Darrigo & Diaz

    Across Florida, auto insurance rates are skyrocketing. Find out how to lower auto insurance rates in Florida without compromising protection, as well as what to do if you’re involved in a car accident and insurance is refusing or reducing your payout. If you are seeing an increase in your auto insurance rates, know that you
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  • 17 May 2023

    What is gap insurance and why do you need it?

    Posted By Darrigo & Diaz

    If you are buying a new car, don’t drive off the lot without purchasing a special type of car insurance. In this blog, we explain what gap insurance is and why every new car owner in Tampa should add it to your policy. What is gap insurance? Gap insurance, also known as guaranteed asset protection
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  • 27 May 2022

    4 tips to save money on auto and homeowners insurance as inflation skyrockets in Tampa Bay

    Posted By Darrigo & Diaz

    – Tampa Bay is currently experiencing the highest rate of inflation in the country. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, inflation in the Tampa-St. Petersburg-Clearwater area was 10.2% in March 2022, compared to a national rate of 8.5%. As prices keep rising, Tampa Bay residents are paying more for gas, groceries, and now,
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  • 27 Jan 2022

    Why every driver in Tampa Bay needs uninsured motorist coverage in 2022

    Posted By Darrigo & Diaz

      A record-breaking 27% of drivers in Florida will hit the road without car insurance in 2022. If you’re involved in an accident caused by someone else this year, there is a 1 in 4 chance that you will be financially responsible—unless you have uninsured motorist (UM) coverage.   What is uninsured motorist coverage? Uninsured
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  • 12 Jul 2021

    5 Changes Tampa Bay Residents Should Consider Making to Their Auto Insurance in 2021 to Stay Protected and Lower Costs

    Posted By Darrigo & Diaz

    If you live in Tampa Bay, it may be time to review your auto insurance policy Last week, Governor Ron DeSantis vetoed Senate Bill 54, which would have rewritten the state’s auto insurance laws by doing away with the “no-fault” provision. Therefore, Florida will remain a “no-fault” state, which means that if you are injured
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  • 18 May 2021

    Is Florida going to repeal the no-fault law? What does this mean for Tampa Bay drivers?

    Posted By Darrigo & Diaz

    The largest changes to Florida’s automobile insurance laws in nearly 50 years could be on the horizon. Senate Bill 54 proposes to end the state’s no-fault insurance system and would eliminate the requirement that motorists carry personal injury protection (PIP) coverage and replace it with a requirement that they have bodily injury coverage. Nearly every
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  • 05 Apr 2020

    Thinking about cancelling or reducing car insurance during the COVID-19 crisis?

    Posted By Darrigo & Diaz

    The decision to cancel or reduce your car insurance policy for the short-term should not be made lightly. Consider these factors before making the call.
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  • 25 Nov 2019

    5 Costly Mistakes Florida Homeowners Make with Insurance Claims

    Posted By Darrigo & Diaz

    The average Florida homeowner pays $1,918 in annual home insurance premiums, but only makes a claim every 10 years.1,2 That’s $19,180 in premium over that span. As a policyholder, if your property is damaged, you have the right to file a claim with your insurance company and receive payment for your loss. However, there are
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  • 05 Nov 2019

    Why your property damage may not be covered by your insurance

    Posted By Darrigo & Diaz

    Living in Florida is not for the faint of heart: the summers are hot, the humidity is intense, and the state’s cantankerous climate during the summer storm season causes some of the most dangerous and expensive weather-related damages in the country. In 2017 and 2018, the Florida Office of Insurance Regulation reported that more than
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  • 25 Sep 2015

    3 Helpful Tips to Improve Your Auto Insurance Policy

    Posted By Darrigo & Diaz

    When it comes to car insurance, most people are concerned about getting fair premiums, but making sure you have the appropriate coverage to protect you in different situations after a car accident is usually secondary when it should be a priority. Getting the right coverage should be the number-one goal when shopping for car insurance or reviewing
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